
≫ Read Online ThetaHealing Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality Vianna Stibal 9781401929282 Books

Read Online ThetaHealing Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality Vianna Stibal 9781401929282 Books

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In 1995, Vianna Stibal, a mother of three young children, was diagnosed with a cancer that was quickly destroying her right femur. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed, until she employed a simple technique that she used in her work as an intuitive reader. Amazed that she had cured herself instantaneously, Vianna started to use this technique in her sessions with clients and saw person after person miraculously heal.ThetaHealing is essentially applied quantum physics. Using a theta brain wave, which until now was believed to be accessible only in deep sleep or yogi-level meditation, the practitioner is able to connect with the energy of All That Is -- the energy in everything -- to identify issues with and witness healings on the physical body, and to identify and change limiting beliefs.Discover• the belief and feeling work that can instantly change the thinking within you that creates illness• the 7 Planes of Existence, a concept that allows you to connect to the highest level of love and energy of All That Is• how to develop the ability to change on all levels physically, mentally, emotionally , and spiritually, using the Creator of All That Is

Read Online ThetaHealing Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality Vianna Stibal 9781401929282 Books


Product details

  • Paperback 336 pages
  • Publisher Hay House Inc. (January 1, 2011)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1401929281

Read Online ThetaHealing Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality Vianna Stibal 9781401929282 Books

ThetaHealing Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality [Vianna Stibal] on . In 1995, Vianna Stibal, a mother of three young children, was diagnosed with a cancer that was quickly destroying her right femur. Everything she had tried using conventional and alternative medicine had failed Vianna Stibal,ThetaHealing Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality,Hay House Inc.,1401929281,2724557901365,Energy medicine.,Meditation,Meditation.,Mental healing,Self-actualization (Psychology),Spiritual healing,Spiritual healing.,Health, Mind Body / Self-Help,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Healing / Energy (Qigong, Reiki, Polarity),BODY, MIND SPIRIT / New Thought,Body, Mind Spirit,Body, Mind Spirit/New Thought,Complementary therapies, healing health,Energy medicine,GENERAL,General Adult,Healing - Energy (Qigong, Reiki, Polarity),NEW AGE MOVEMENT,New Age,New Age / Body, Mind Spirit,New Thought,Non-Fiction,energy healing;spirituality;self help;spiritual;healing;consciousness;energy;medicine;new age;alchemy;intuition;happiness;self help books;spiritual books;chakras;spiritual gifts;positive thinking;reiki;self help books for women;self improvement books;gratitude;chakra;law of attraction;qigong;acupuncture;success;acupressure;chakra books;homeopathy;breathing;belief;herbal;reiki books;tai chi;success books;chi;aura;breath;personal growth books;positive energy;tapping;spirituality books,spirituality; healing; new age; energy; consciousness; alchemy; chakras; intuition; positive thinking; medicine; reiki; happiness; spiritual books; belief; chakra; breathing; law of attraction; acupuncture; law of attraction books; acupressure; success; success books; breath; aura; herbal; spiritual; self help; energy healing; self help books; self help books for women; tai chi; qigong; gratitude; self improvement books; chi; chakra books; reiki books; self development books; spirituality books; homeopathy; spiritual gifts,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Healing / Energy (Qigong, Reiki, Polarity),BODY, MIND SPIRIT / New Thought,Body, Mind Spirit/New Thought,Healing - Energy (Qigong, Reiki, Polarity),New Thought,OCC011010,New Age / Body, Mind Spirit,Energy medicine,New Age Movement,Body, Mind Spirit,New Age,Complementary therapies, healing health

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