PDF Cases in Public Human Resource Management T Zane Reeves 9780534602406 Books

CASES IN PUBLIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT is a collection of 30 actual case studies (with only names changed) with an emphasis on the social and ethical concerns of public managers as well as the impact of 9/11 on the field.
PDF Cases in Public Human Resource Management T Zane Reeves 9780534602406 Books
""Product details

Cases in Public Human Resource Management [T. Zane Reeves] on . CASES IN PUBLIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT is a collection of 30 actual case studies (with only names changed) with an emphasis on the social and ethical concerns of public managers as well as the impact of 9/11 on the field. T. Zane Reeves,Cases in Public Human Resource Management,Cengage Learning,0534602401,General,Personnel management - United States,Personnel management;United States;Case studies.,Case studies,EDUCATION / Teaching Methods Materials / General,Education/Teaching Methods Materials - General,Non-Fiction,POLITICAL SCIENCE / General,POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Affairs Administration,Personnel human resources management,Personnel management,Political Science,Politics government,Politics / Current Events,Politics/International Relations,Politics/Intl Relations,Public Affairs Administration,TEXT,Teaching Methods Materials - General,United States
Cases in Public Human Resource Management T Zane Reeves 9780534602406 Books Reviews